Saturday,we went to Home Depot to get a new blade for the chain saw,a new mamma-jamma weed eater(I gotz plans!),some liquid copper for the palms that got frozen,and other assorted gardening gadgets.You wouldn't believe what a sucker I am for gardening gadgets.
But I digress......
It seems the EPC is going t6o give the go-ahead for Hillsborough County to do their drainage thingy,so the vegetable garden is probably out for this year.(Can you hear my wail?).We,hopefully,have a three month window in which we can plant a small veggie garden.
This is the lay out of it.It is approximately 4' x 6'.Enough for some tomatoes,lettuce,and a few pepper plants(I have sent away for some Datil pepper seeds-gonna give those a try this year).
Jon's cat thinks it's really neat we provided a new place for her to sleep.Hopefully,she'll keep the blue jays from attacking the future tomato plants,but I'm thinking,"Not!"
We did plant some onion sets.We adapted to the situation with the county,by planting them as border plants around the other gardens.
We also managed to get the 'contraband' plumeria planted.I swear,this yard is going to look like Hawaii before we're done.Hopefully,all the plumeria will adjust and in two years we should have quite the forest of plumeria.
And this shall be our next project.Getting this back corner of the yard cleaned out and planted.The oak needs to be cleaned out and made healthy again.And stink-vine has run rampant back there,so we need to get that cleaned out.We're leaning towards under plantings of variegated ginger.Or maybe azaleas......
But I still need to learn patience........
Patience is not something I do not have. Working in the yard is my true love, and waiting for the snow to go is driving me batty. Wait, you'll Spring approaches I'll start shovelling the snow off the lawn just to hurry things along! Tell Jon to fire up that've got a garden to plant! :)
Azaleas ... go for the azaleas!
Hurry up! Learn that patience thing already!
Tink *~*~*
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