"I'm not really a career person.I'm a gardener,basically.".....George Harrison

Sunday, April 29, 2012

It rained,yesterday……..

Late afternoon/early evening, TheGreatWall was blessed with a nice,soaking shower.
No thunder or lightening.
Just a decent shower.
For maybe 30 minutes,or so.
Almost like a summer time shower.
This morning,I went out,
camera in hand.
To capture the garden….
Walking through the gate to the back,on the left,the Guara have decided they are going to be the bullies of the garden…Most of them have self-seeded,and those seedlings have been transplanted to other areas of the garden.
IMG_3791My favorite is the deep pink variety.
As you move down the pathway,to the right….IMG_3792Giant Liriope,the last of the Blue-Eyed Grass,Rosemary,variegated Flax Lily,and Cuphea.And  a yellow plumeria is stuck in there,too.
Further down,on the left…IMG_3796This is the Yellowtop I bought a year ago,here.It will be beautiful,this fall.It,also,roots incredibly easy,so if anyone wants a starter plant,let me know.I have one rooted to go behind the Guara.It should be able to hold its own against the Guara.
If you follow the pathway to the right,you see this…IMG_3797St.Bernard’s Lily,red Knockout Drift Rose,Gerbera Daisy,Love Grass,Blackberry Lily.In the background is a Powder Puff,which the hummers have been showing mad love to,this spring.Oh my!I think I see another Plumeria on the upper right.Go figure…
If you keep going,you will find Miss Emma’s -(Mine!)- statue,
overlooking the Queen Emma CrinumsIMG_3808
The variegated Creeping Fig is filling in,nicely---considering I had to yank it,quickly,out of the ground and slam it into pots when the pool was being removed---I am leaning towards to adding some Angel’s Tears to intermingle with the Creeping Fig.In the background,on the left,is Tea Olive,and a  Dwarf Euphorbia is on the right.
Across from Miss Emma,is one of the many Buddha's…
It almost seems like Buddha is smelling the Lantana…
If one keeps walking,just beyond Miss Emma's statue,on the right…
More variegated Flax Lily,an Agapanthus,ready to bloom,Farfugium,Hollyhocks,Angel’s Tears, and in the very back,Cat’s Whiskers.Intermingled with Cinnamon Fern.
Just beyond this section,the Tropical Sage,I bought,in March,here,is getting along quite nicely,with the Penstemon…
Across the pathway,is my favorite Buddha….IMG_3801
surrounded by Colocasia  esculenta 'Black Magic',giant Spathiphyllum and Bird’s Nest Fern.
Behind Buddha is the path-to-nowhere
the shadiest part of the yard…
total shade,here,all day….
…all green and white…
Underneath Norfolk Island Pines are Peace Lilies,variegated Flax Lilies,Holly Ferns, and green and white Caladiums…
Continuing,and and making a turn to the right,further down,is the newest garden…
This garden is on the north side of the house,and is one of the shadiest parts of the garden---after the path-to-nowhere---,so a lot of plants have been moved here…
…and across from that garden are the Canna’s.
The black pot,in the lower left,will eventually have another Buddha.Sitting atop of it.And surrounded by some type of arbor.With something growing on it…suggestions?
…a work in progress….
TheGreatWall is returning to form.
Just a newer and different form….
I still need sod….

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It’s Turtle Nesting Season….

at TheGreatWall


Florida softshell turtle Apelone Ferox

These photos were all taken with the zoom set to the max.I didn't bother her.


why did she have to dig up half of my new garden for a false crawl?

To read more about Florida softshell turtles click here....

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I’ve got a loverly bunch of….

and onions and banana peppers,too…
The photos are just a hint of what I have.
I’m over-run,I tell ya!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Feelin’ a little blue…

Yep….TheGreatWall has taken on a blue hue,these days….
When TheTree went down,all of the irises were spared…
…thank you,very much…
…but when the old pool was being removed and the new one was going in,I was forced to move the all of the irises,
in one weekend!
The only spots I could find for them,where I thought they would succeed,was back by the water line.I had hopes that the high water table and full sun would allow them to reach their full potential.
That it did….
IMG_3764IMG_3759These are back by where the drainage pipe enters the water.While enjoying their steady drink of water,they are also helping to control erosion.
Further along the bank of the water,with plumbago in the forefront.IMG_3768
Soooo,I’m starting to think TheTree going down might have been a blessing in disguise.
Unanswered prayers?
…there is even
blue-ness around here,at TheGreatWall….
Yard-art abounds here…
…You had to know that was gonna happen here….
blue pots…
and to surround the gutter down spouts…
…there is even a mixture of blue glass and blue marbles…
…feelin’ just a tad blue,here…
but in a good way….

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just b’cause…

…taxes are finally done.




I had to pay.

He didn’t.

It was time to take the camera on a stroll through the garden and see what’s bloomin.’


Sit back

and enjoy what is blooming at TheGreatWall,

…these days….


smells good,too! Growing in full sun.




I bought this in Fort Myers,and I think it likes it here.








and other assorted stuff….

like bees on the Cuphea…


and bunny,

with Angel’s Tears,in the foreground

and Blue-eyed Grass,in the background…



I am amazed at how far the garden is along this year.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

One Project Finally Done!


The first phase of TheGreatWall renovation is done!


…close enough…



The renovation didn’t go quite the way I had planned,but what ever does when you are gardening?

…after much cussing,sweating,and swearing…

In the end,it all worked out.

As the renovation allowed for the perfect setting for my succulent collection…



Now,on to the other side of TheGreatWall….

That area is in the shade all day.


These days,I prefer gardening and landscaping in the shade.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul ~ Sadi

Last Thursday,at 2:40 PM,the greatest gardener I shall ever know,passed away.

He was frail,in pain,and almost blind.

He was ready.

He voiced it many times,to me,but I chose not to hear it.

He was ready to join my mother and brother.

And at 2:40 PM,Thursday,March 29th,he did.

Thankfully,in his sleep.

…During a nap,of all things..The man never took naps,fer crying out loud…He was always moving…


And for that,I am grateful.

As if Mother Nature knew he was home,

the day after his passing,I noticed this…


This plumeria –a yellow and cream-  is from a cutting from the original he brought back from Hawaii.It has never,ever bloomed this early.dad1The original plant is on the right…

The past few months,I had been letting things slide.

Seeing to Dad had taken a lot of my time,but this past Sunday,I felt the overwhelming urge to get back to the garden.


Make things right.

Make TheGreatWall look good again.

Almost as if something,or someone,was pushing me on.


A garden is the best alternative therapy.

~ Germaine Greer


“Your tomatoes really need to be staked,girl.”

“You might want to edge that garden…”

“I think those plants need a good soaking.Use the soaker hose.”

“Those lines need to be straighter.”

I have no idea how many times,I wanted to call him,and ask his advice,but something told me to keep moving.


In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends

~ Kozuko Okakura


The orchids seem to be giving him a final salute,also….






I have  one.

That he never got to see his orchids in their new home.

And this one….


I can hear him saying to me,”Leave it alone.It’s happy.That’s what I always did.”

…and so,I shall…

One of his greatest pleasures,in life,was Fort DeSoto.He and my mother would go early,every Wednesday morning.

…”before the tourists get there”…

She,to go shelling.He,to look at the wild orchids.One of their greatest joys was to take the grandchildren.She,to show them shells.He,to put them on his shoulders,and wade out to the sandbar,to go shelling for their Grammy.

But,after she died,he never returned.

So,this May 25th,on what would’ve been his 93rd birthday,we shall return.For the grandchildren to take the great grandchildren,on their shoulders,out to the sandbar and sprinkle his ashes.

And,maybe have some bar-b-qued ribs,potato salad,and Decadent Chocolate Cake….his favorite meal….

And maybe,spy a wild orchid,or two….


A garden is evidence of faith. It links us with all the misty figures of the past who also planted and were nourished by the fruits of their planting

~ Gladys Taber


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