What a year!
After surviving the devastating freezes of December,2010,the year started out with the County digging up our side yard.
Leaving a semi-shady spot in total sun,during the Spring/Summer.
…And near total shade in the winter,I have quickly found out…
But this gardener persevered….
The Roadside Garden,as it was quickly named,has managed to flourish.
Critters came to visit…
some welcome…
Some not….
The veggie garden grew by leaps and bounds.
…Memories were made…
NewsChannel 8 and Leigh Spann came to visit.
And just when I was feeling totally full of myself…
…TheOak went down…
Leaving a shade garden in total ruins …
…and FULL sun…
but sparing the well,
Thank you God!
…not to mention a cracked swimming pool…
But LaToilette Planter made it unscathed!
A little dirty on the edges,but it came thru without a scratch!Ya gotta luv a good toilet…
Plants were quickly moved to the lone shady corner of the yard or were given away.
TheOak was taken out,
and a new SweetGum was brought in to replace it…
Plans were drawn up for a new pool.
Screened in,this time.
and a solar heater,too..YES!!!!
and a water wall!
Maybe this transplanted,Northern gardener will finally say learn to say lanai,instead of porch….
Which includes an area just for my Dad’s orchids.
And removal/construction began in November.
In between all of this,Dad had three visits to the ER.
One for heart arrhythmias,and one for dehydration/back spasms.
The third
-let me tell ya,the third time is not the charm-
was the kicker.
Right after Thanksgiving he fell,and broke his hip,
This time he required surgery,and due to his pacemaker and being on Plavix,there was a blood loss issue,requiring three units of blood.At 92 + years,one’s body doesn’t take too kindly to that.Nor,does anyone’s body.Now,he is in a skilled nursing facility.
…not taking to it too kindly,I might add…Oy! The bitching complaining,feistiness… I take that as a good sign.
So,with the new pool/lanai scheduled to be done this week…
On this New Year’s Eve,
with home grown collards simmering on the stove,
cornbread with home grown jalapenos added in the oven,
and black-eyed peas cooking,
I decided to say,
”Out with that crappy 2011,
and here’s to a better 2012!”
…I weeded….
…I drew up a new garden plan…
One that includes:
sunny gardens,
Florida Natives,
and a special spot for my Dad’s orchids.
Here’s to a …
Happy Gardening Year!!!